AXYS Industrial Solutions specializes in off-specification and wide-specification bulk organic liquids, secondary chemicals and materials, byproducts, coproducts and process streams.
Below is a listing of the wide-specification and chemical blends we handle. Let us help you find the right application for your low-value products.
2 Ethylhexanol Heavies (2EH) | Gear Oil | Oleochemicals |
Acetic Acid | Glycerin | Other Ketones |
Acetone | Glycerin Pitch | Paraffin |
Acrylic Acid | Glycol Ethers | PE Wax |
Aldehydes | Grease | PE/HDPE Wax |
Aliphatic Solvents | HDPE | Pentane |
Alkanes | Heavy Alcohols C-18+ | Pentanol |
Alkenes | Heavy Aromatic Naphtha | PET |
Amines | Heavy Glycols | Petroleum Grease |
Amines/Mixed Amines | Heptane | PG - Propylene Glycol |
Antifreeze | Heptanol | PG Ethers |
Aromatic Naphtha (LAN and HAN) | Hexane | Phosphoric Acid |
Aromatic Solvents (100, 150 and 200) | Hexanol | Phosphorous Acid |
Base Oil | High Boiler Solvents & Wash Oils | Phosphorous Acid |
Benzene | Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) | Pipeline Interface |
Bio Diesel/Bottoms | Isoparaffins | Plastic Containers/Packaging |
Boiler Fuel | Isopropanol | Plastic Scraps/Chunks/Sheets |
Brown Grease | Jet Fuel | Plastics |
Bunker Fuel | Kerosene | Poly Glycols |
Burner Fuel | Lacquer Thinner | Polyamines |
Butadiene | LDPE | Polyols |
Butanol | Light Aromatic Naphtha | Potassium Hydroxide |
Butyl Acetate | Light Ends | PP |
Butyl Acrylate | Light Ends/Distillates | PP |
C-4 Residuals | LLDPE | Primary Alcohols |
C-5 Blends | Lube Oils | Propanol |
C-5, C-6, C-7 Blends | MEA | Propionic Acid |
C4-C20 Alcohols | MEG - Ethylene Glycol | PVC |
Carbitol/Butyl Ethers | MEK | Pyrolysis Fuel Oil (PFO) |
Caustic | Methanol | Pyrolysis Gas Oil (PGO) |
Condensate | Methyl Acetate | Raffinates |
Cresols | Methyl Acrylate | Residual Oil |
Crude Glycerin | Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) | Rubber |
Crude Oil | MIBK | SBR |
Cumene | Mineral Oil | Sodium Hydroxide |
Cutter Stocks | Mineral Spirits | Solvent 100 |
Cyclohexane | Mixed Alcohols | Solvent 142 |
DEA | Mixed Aliphatics | Styrene |
Decane | Mixed Aliphatics/Blends | Sulferized Oils and Additives |
Decanol | Mixed Aromatics | Sulfuric Acid |
Decene | Mixed Ethanolamines | Surfactant Intermediates |
DEG - Diethylene Glycol | Mixed Ethyleneamines | Surfactants |
DETA | Mixed Glycol Ethers | T-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) |
Detergents | Mixed Glycols | Tall Oil |
Diesel | Mixed Hydrocarbons | Tank Bottoms |
Diols | Mixed Olefins | TEA |
EDA | Mixed Solvents | TEG - Triethylene Glycol |
EG Ethers | MMA | TEPA |
EPDM | Morpholine | Tertiary Butyl Alcohol (TBA) |
Esters | Naphthalene | TETA |
Ethanol | Naphtha Blends | Tetraethylene Glycol |
Ethyl Acetate | Napthalene/Naphthalene | Toluene |
Ethyl Acrylate | Natural Oils/Bottoms | Transmix/Mixed Fuel |
Ethyl Benzene | Natural Tars | Triethylene Glycol (TEG) |
Fatty Acids | NBR | Triols |
Fatty Amines | Nonane | TTEG - Tetraethylene Glycol |
Fuel Additives | Normal Alpha Olefins | Used Oil |
Fuel Oil Blends | Octane | Waxes |
Gas Oil | Octanol | White Oil |
Gasoline | Octene | Xylene |
Gasoline Octane Improvers | Oil Additives | Yellow Grease |
Gasoline Feedstocks | Olefin Wax Residues/Solvents |
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Phone: 713-863-8588
5829 West Sam Houston North, Suite 403
Houston, TX 77041